FIRE TONIC - 180ml
FIRE TONIC - 180ml
The worlds most nutritionally dense and diverse Master Tonic, packed with 24 raw nourishing real-food ingredients & bursting with gut-loving bacteria, this daily tonic is adapted from a traditional folk remedy and packs a mighty nutritional punch!
Handmade in Torquay, Australia, with many of the roots, fruits and shoots handpicked on the day of production then steeped for over three months in raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother of vinegar, before the addition of raw, pure local honey.
Fire Tonic™ is made with sustainability in mind, we keep food miles down by locally sourcing every ingredient we can, and then use the ACV soaked solids in our Fire Sauce™, so nothing is wasted.
Recommended dose: 5-15 ml up to three times daily. Note: this is a full strength elixir packed with pep. We recommend diluting with water.
Storage: Please refrigerate after opening.
Ingredients: raw apple cider vinegar, raw local honey, chillies, turmeric, garlic, horseradish, ginger, carrot, celery, red onion, brown onion, apple, orange, lemon, mustard seed, parsley, rosemary, oregano, thyme, juniper berries, peppercorns, bay leaves, Szechuan pepper & Himalayan pink mineral salt.
Contains zero alcohol ... Non alcoholic.